Saturday, January 14, 2012

Friday, January 13, 2012

Dyg Nurhafizatul Harun.

Dyg Nurhafizatul Harun @ Ira @ Along. She's my beautiful cousin. I 'timbak' her at Mimpian Jadi Resort Tuaran. She's my cousin, also my Talent Model. :) 


People Portraiture. I love to capture something like this, with the new tone i just learn, grunge bokeh, and something can make me smile. like this :)))))))))

The Things

Untuk ambil gambar mcm ne, aq guna kain hitam. Studio belum ada, so apa-apa kain yang berwarna hitam memang jadi sasaran aq la. Tapi itu tidak penting, yang penting hasil objek, gambar yang kita ambil. Untuk hasil gambar mcm d atas ne, aq guna lens 50mm, 1/200sec, f1.8. Kalau maw jelas objek, muka orang, bokeh yang lawa 35mm, 50mm, 55mm dan lain2 mm. So, itu ja caption gambar ne. Ndat taw lgi apa maw cakap. Just my opinion, keep it up! :)


Promotion. Start from RM80 5 hours. 14 JANUARI - MAC 2012. WEEKENDS~ 
Interested? Inbox 
ME or A'aN . tq :)

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Lama nda update Blog ne, sangatsangat la berhabuk. Nda tau apa mau d tulis.